Hitlerspimp's Deathicide

I'm a big fan of Hitlerspimp. I was refreshing his page for the 666th time to find a video when one popped up. I was called Deg Deg. Not knowing what it was, I decided to click it because yolo.
It started off with the pimp with red eyes looking at me. Suddenly Thomas the Train Engine started playing in reverse (Which made it 9000 times spoopier) and in a slow pitch (which made it another 9000 times spoopier) It was so spooky that Spooky Scary Skeletons popped out of my electronic potato! Ignoring them I watched the video.
The pimp went and killed Foxy, Chica, Mangle, Freddy, Bonnie, the Mario'nette, General Mario, Mastermax888, that one dude I don't know the name of, and turned back to me. He killed me. He is now tracking your IP Address. Hes coming for you.